The annual Membership Fee is 115,00 €
In addition, we offer the following discounts:
- for retired professors 65,00 €
- for doctoral candidates (half-time) 40,00 €
- for "Early Career" 40,00
- for students 18,00 €
The DPG is committed to you in many ways:
• We offer the qualification "FachphysiologIn" of the DPG
• We advocate educating and preserving the feasibility of animal experiments
• We offer networks and promotion of young talents, i.a. throuhg the Young Physiologists
• We influence politics through parent companies such as VBIO and AWMF
• We fight for the needs of physiology. We support processes such as the MM2020 and the NKLM
• We will inform you monthly via our newsletter
• We offer a variety of travel grants for congresses
• The visit of the national congresses as a member is heavily subsidized
If you are interested in a membership, please fill in the following form. Please name two advocates from among the members of the DPG.