Andreas Ritzau-Jost
Gustavo Chaves
Dominik Lenz
► SAVE THE DATE Pint of Physiology in Vienna
Dear young participants of this year's DPG conference in Vienna,
We want to combine tasty drinks and science for the Young Physiologists on the eve of this conference:
"Pint of Physiology"
Wednesday, September 18th, 6 pm
Centimeter am Rathaus, Lenaugasse 11, 1080 Wien
We will have some short scientific presentations of around 2-3 minutes, which can be funny, entertaining, informative or all of it. No matter if you want to present something or just want to be entertained and have some drinks – Join us and let's get to know each other before the actual conference starts.
Please give us some short note of participation as soon as possible via e-mail (and tell us whether you want to present something) so we can estimate the number of participants and book a location accordingly. More details will be available soon on both the Congress homepage and our Young Physiologists homepage.
your Young Physiologists Team
►SAVE THE DATE - 14th Symposium of the Young Physiologists
Next year, our symposium will take place in the beautiful city of Münster, on March 27/28, 2024. More information on abstract deadline and so on will follow soon.
As usual, there will be travel grants for all active participants (oral or poster presentations) generously provided by the DPG as well as awards for the best posters and talks!
What happened before:
► 13th Symposium of the Young Physiologists
Vivian Blechschmidt and Jonathan Husk spent a lot of effort to set up a great symposium in Mannheim. This year in a more intimate fashion with around 40 participants, but nevertheless presenting a lot of interesting science, accompanied by two keynote lectures given by Andreas Draguhn and Simon Wiegert.
Thanks also to the support of the DPG, the local universities and our generous sponsors:
► DPG Berlin
We organised a teaching workshop focusing on Neurophysiology in the Lab course, together with Robert Patejdl from Erfurt.
► 12th Symposium of the Young Physiologists
On March 30/31, Marcus Schewe and colleagues hosted the symposium in Kiel, with kind support from Nanion and AD Instruments.
► In addition to email, we will be communicating via a Junge Physiologen slack channel. This channel is intented to enable more efficient networking and exchange among early-career physiologists - so please feel very welcome to join! To do so, only send us an email to and you'll receive an invitation.
► Dominik, Katie and Tom are tweeting for Pflügers Archiv, the official journal of the German Physiological Society. Check it out on /// @PflugersArchiv!